Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sigh..And sigh again

A big sigh. When my mother used to sigh at me I would always ask her what was wrong. After a few times she would say "Nothing Dorienne I just sigh..." I remember that because in my young brain I said I would never sigh like that. Unfortunately, I now understnad why she would sigh. It's not like you can tell your child all the things on your mind, so instead you hide it behind a sigh. I get it now. So....Sigh.

I would like to hold myself to a better standard and I like to think I keep to that standard, but sometimes things happen that make me remember that I am only human and I will eventually make mistakes. When I make those mistakes I have to remember that perhaps I am not as bad as I imagine and I should just let it go.

I like to think about lions and their mothering skills sometimes. Mother lions are very protective and very dedicated to thier young. They are fierce and loving. Human mothers can be the same way. I know this and when we feel our children are being mistreated in anyway we become fierce.

I don't think it is the fierce moments that define us however. I think it is those other moments, the millions of little moments that happen day to day. The bandaid, the smile, the words of encouragement, the going out of your way to buy pudding pops for a play date even though you really did not have the time to stop at the store and find that one perfect box of frozen goodness. But you do it anyway.

Mothers are very defined characters. In the media when a mother does a horendous act the public fails to understand it and rails against the mother. However when a mother does a heoric act or a daily affermation of love, no one seems to notice. Ohh but they notice. The babies notice and remember. Not just mommys but daddies too. They remember ever time you sat down and did homework with them. They rmeember ever baked cookie and every mud pie, and every bandaid. They make the world seem full and wonderful just with a simple smile and a loving wave as they run off to play and be happy.

Today is a day. Tomorrow is a day. And perhaps we can all just sit and be greatful for what we have and the blessings we have. No one knows how much time we all have. Only God knows, and so with that being said, I am going to head off to bed and get some sleep. I have Mass in the morning and three sleepy babies to get up and go. We have a play date and a Sunday dinner to make. We have banana bread to make and a craft to complete. We have to throw the baseball around in the backyard and listen to stories that were written. I am going to enjoy every minute I have and be greatful.

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