Thursday, March 18, 2010


I like quotes. I like to read them and ponder them, and sometimes I like to apply them. It is a very interesting thing to look into someones thought process and find out the better and worse qualities of a mind. It never fails to amaze me what we can come up with as humans and thinkers. Sometimes I am stumped and sometimes I am very appal ed but most often I am amazed.

Today's quote from Mother Theresa goes like this..."I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world." Wow what a statement. She really was a large pencil, but in her humility she stated she was a small fragment of God's good works. So I say to myself as I ponder her thoughts that what sort of pencil am I? I thought perhaps I am a very small nibbed pencil and I don't make a difference at all in this world, but someone very dear to me told me to think again and take a deeper look into myself. So that is my journey today in this blog...a deeper look.

What makes a difference? I give a dollar to the homeless man and a smile. I give food to those who need it. I give any material items my family can't use to the less fortunate, I go to Mass on a regular basis. Humm that's not a big dent in the world at all. It helps those little things. So I think in looking deeper I am not succeeding.

The difference in being a big pencil and a small snub pencil is not only what we do but what we live. So I am thinking very diligently what do I live? I have my thoughts on politics and religion. I have my opinions on society and culture. I have my black and white logic and my shadings of grey logic. But what do I live?

So I made a list of everything I request and require from my children and myself. It's not all inclusive, but it is a good start on the process of finding how we live our lives.

I make meals and request we sit as a family to eat dinner so we can talk to each other.
I request and require that we pray together everyday at least once not counting meal time.
I request and require positive words and affirmations when we deal with each other as a family and with those who are around us.
I request respect of elders and children alike. I request not to take the Lord's name in vain or to use fowl words.(Does not always happen but we try.)
I request that we laugh and play and show affection with hugs and high fives. I request that each child hears and feels I love you daily.
I request that we do community service as a family and as individuals.
I request that we give God his full due and pay attention in Mass and then discuss it afterwards.
I request that we hold God at the center of our family and be open to His gifts and wisdom.
I request that we have time to share with friends and family that build lasting memories.
I request that we do projects together and work with our hands learning new skills like sewing and painting and crafting.
I request that we do not go to bed angry or upset with each other.
I request that no gets hit or spanked or hurt by each other. We are a family and a family is love not punishment by pain.
I also request that we read daily and study diligently to become better people.

All in all it is rather a short list. I have to think harder perhaps to come up with a more detailed list, but that is the basics I know. And so far it's worked pretty well living that way. Sometimes we fall out, all of us do. Sometimes there are squabbles and fights and hurt feelings, but with love therapy and hugs instead of spankings, those don't happen often. Not everyday is going to be a good day. It's like I tell my son when he is having a rough go of it and is misbehaving. I say "Buggie Boo you are not a bad boy, you are just having a bad day. We can fix that." And then we spend our time fixing the bad day to make it a good one. Sometimes all he needs is for me to listen and give an extra hug. Then it's all good and there is not another issue all day. Sometimes to avoid problems you have to be proactive and preventative. In that measure I am all about giving hugs and high fives and posting crafts and homework on the fridge. You can barely find the handle I have so much posted on it. The wall next to it is useable space as well. I even have their art framed and used as decorations in the home. But it is the respect, the affirmation, the attention to just them that makes those little issues not turn into big ones. Through my actions and my words I say to each child "I love you. I respect you. I am proud of you." Makes life a whole lot easier let me tell you.

I do that with friends and family as well. I love you, I respect you, I am proud of you and I am proud that you love me too. Makes the days go by on a happy happy note.

Yesterday was a good day. My oldest and I got to be in the St Patty's Day parade. We were riding on a flatbed float throwing candy to the crowd and waving having a great time. Then we went and had lunch with a wonderful friend. Then we spent family time with another family and had the traditional dinner of corned beef and cabbage and corn muffins and potatoes. The children played outside, we took a long walk after dinner, we played Wii afterwards and we just laughed and had a wonderful time. When Ave and I were leaving she said to me.."Today felt really good, like it's supposed to be, you know? Like family." That was a notable quote too, because she saw what I see and for a teenager to say that is huge. She saw and felt the love of good friends and good happy laughter. She saw what it was really about. Love feels good.

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