Friday, January 22, 2010

The Better Person

Being the bigger better person sometimes has consequences. When you wait around for the world to change you find yourself waiting a very very long time. It's amazing how many of us sit in silence and just wait. Then in a moment of clarity we jump up and decide to do something about it. Something that will help, not hinder our process of growth and development as well as support those around us in a positive manner.
I often look around me at the needs in my community and it never fails to amaze me how many people are willing to help, but don't know how. When I am asked' "What can I do?", I always answer it starts with the whole philosophy of pay it forward. Remember that movie? Well the concept has been around for a long time. It's called karma. Give and receive. What do you receive besides the peace of mind that you helped someone in need? You receive a deeper understanding of how every action you make affects the world around you. One act of kindness can snowball into an avalanche of good deeds.
So my challenge to everyone who reads this is to go out and do an act of random kindness and note how much better you feel inside. And then sit back and be amazed at how good things come back to you.

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