Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Phone never rings when you want it to...

Today, wow, today was a day. I spent most of the day alone, except for a few hours at Old Chicago with my buddy Christine doing some extra open heart studies and having a few laughs. Everyday, is a new day to discover something about yourself. Today, I felt invincible. Weird. Me...I laugh and I am still chuckling over that one. However, today I learned I have less limits than I imagined. I wanted to get more done, but the scope of what I did get done was amazing.

This morning was a nightmare. No ands or ifs about it. This morning is a morning I could have lived my whole life without. I was faced with the utter destruction of years of work and a definite end to a very promising future. However, persistence, fortitude and a whole lot of paperwork and reasoning got my point across and I prevailed. After that the sky was the limit.

I wonder what I can't do now. I am not weak or frail, well most of the time anyway. I like to have help doing daily things, but you know sometimes there just isn't anyone to help and if you want a project done, well...you do it yourself. Even if you have never done it before or intend to do it the same way again. It's all a learning process I suppose and you are stronger for it. I am sun burnt and a bit sore...scratch that a lot sore, but I need to keep busy to keep my mind off my quiet house. It's dad's five weeks with the children at the beginning of summer this year, and I am kinda not digging the quiet. I called but no one answered so I left a message, again, and I can't sit around moping, waiting for the phone to ring, more like praying for it to ring, willing it to. But it doesn't.

So I mowed the lawn. At noon. In the heat. And I made sun tea. And then I figured I should plant the garden. So I took a shovel and cleared the entire front of the house by hand and planted hydrangeas, violets, inpatients and English ivy. Then I transplanted the kitchen herb garden and started some tomato plants. I looked around and said hummmmm...how do you do mulch? So I went back to wal-mart got some mulch and well I figured it out.

Then I took a shower and went to study with Christine. I thought perhaps after that I would take a nap and then tackle the last of my homework, but a nap didn't work out so well. Now I am transposing my day.

So my life lesson is today no matter what happens I can't sit around moping. I have to do what needs to be done and I can do it. It may not be perfect and it may not be the way the books say to do it, but I have a lovely flower bed now and a fresh mowed yard, and my herbs will flourish. So that is good in itself. I have to study now, so I guess I better stop here. I surprised myself today. I hope everyone who reads this does something to surprise themselves too. It really is an amazing feeling.